The Wine Cellaring Guide to Properly Age Your Bottle
Posted on: November 9, 2017 |
Wine has been around for thousands of years. Although the quality and age of wine has varied throughout time, the appreciation of it has not. Some wines only get better with time, while some will have a diminishing point of return. For those wines that can benefit from a few years of cellaring, it is important to follow these wine cellaring tips to ensure that your investment of both time and money doesn’t go to waste.
The Best Tips for Cellaring Wine to Maturity
Imagine purchasing a unique or expensive bottle of wine with the intent of aging it and enjoying it later, only to discover that at some point during the storage process, it had gone bad. The best way to prevent this from happening is to properly store it. Utilize these wine cellaring tips to successfully mature your wine!
Utilize a Wine Storage Rack
In order to keep the wine cork from drying out, utilize a wine storage rack. A wine storage rack will keep the wine angled on its side which will help to keep the cork moist and prevent cracking. If your wine bottles do not have corks, and instead have screw caps, plastic corks or glass, it is not necessary to store your bottles on their sides.
Store Wine in the Dark
Sunlight can also pose a threat to wine. Light can degrade the quality and age wine prematurely. Wine should be stored in a dark room, free from any sunlight or damaging UV rays. White wines are more susceptible to damage caused by the light, but red whites will also see a degradation of quality when exposed long-term to light.
Maintain a Safe Wine Storage Temperature
It is extremely important to store wine within a safe range of temperatures. Wine that is stored too hot can age prematurely. This can result in flat flavors and an unpleasant aroma. The cork in a wine bottle that is stored too cold may dry out, resulting in the wine becoming exposed to air. When choosing a location to store your wine, make sure the temperature is within the safe range.
Are You Interested in Renting a Wine Storage Unit to Cellar Your Wine?
Are you looking for a place to store your wine bottles? Consider utilizing a wine storage locker. At Tri-Village Self Storage, we have storage units specific for storing wine. Our wine storage units are insulated and kept between the safe temperature range of 45 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit with 70-74% humidity. We also take extra steps to ensure unauthorized personnel are unable to enter your storage unit. We have a 24/7 camera monitoring system in place and fingerprint scanning is used to enter wine storage units. Our wine storage units can fit anywhere from 40 to 400 cases, perfect for collections of any size. Are you interested in renting a storage unit to store your wine collection? Contact us today!