The 4 Best Tailgating Tips in Buckeye Country
Posted on: August 31, 2017 |
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of the OSU fight song. It’s been growing louder and louder all summer and now it’s a deafening roar. With just hours until kickoff of OSU football season 2017, students, alumni and OSU fans will soon descend upon “the Shoe” for the big game. Yep, OSU football season is finally here! So, if you’re a hard-core OSU football fan preparing for all of the epic tailgating parties to come this season, use these tailgating tips to become the MVP of your friends and family!
Be the MVP of the Buckeye Tailgating Season Using these Tips
1. Map out Your Tailgate Area: Columbus is a busy and highly populated city, home of some of the best fans in the world. With that being said, a first time OSU tailgater may have a difficult time finding a place to set up shop. Before heading to Buckeye Country to set up a tailgating party, scout out your location, as well as a few backups. And might we suggest setting up camp early on game day? After all, a little extra party never hurt anybody.
2. Don’t be a Tailgate Scrub: As previously mentioned, Columbus has some of the best fans in the world. So, don’t show up to a tailgate party with ordinary food and beverages. Show up with your OSU-themed best. Buckeyes, scarlet and gray beverages, maybe even some OSU themed cupcakes… The list goes on and on, so get creative! Besides, let’s be honest, would you rather eat normal cupcakes? Or would you rather eat cupcakes with Brutus’s face on them? The answer is always the Brutus-themed cupcakes.
3. Cook Your Meat Ahead of Time: Cook your hamburgers, sausages and hot dogs before your party. If you’ve ever been a grill-master at a tailgating party, you know the pain of being stuck behind the grill. As soon as you think you’re almost done grilling, another round of hungry tailgaters arrives looking for a quick burger. Save yourself the pain by cooking the meat ahead of time.
4. Mark Your Tailgating Site: Avoid losing friends in the sea of scarlet and gray by flying a unique flag or balloons above your tailgating site. When your friends arrive, tell them to just look for your specific site marker. Trust us, they’ll thank you.
Need a Place to Store Your Tailgating Items after the Season is Over?
For a die-hard Buckeye fan like you, we know you’ll be tailgating all season long. But what about when the season is over? Where will you put your tailgating grill, signs and other décor to keep it fresh for next season? Consider a storage unit. A storage unit is a smart way to keep your items safe and out of the way. Do you have questions regarding what size or type of storage unit would best suit your needs? Contact us! We have a location in downtown Columbus, as well as others located throughout Columbus, so when football season comes around again, your tailgating items will be right there ready for you.
And as always, go Bucks!