6 Tips for Keeping New Year’s Resolutions
Posted on: January 10, 2019 |
Just like that, 2018 is over and a New Year is here. If you’re like most Americans, your New Year is marked with making New Year’s resolutions. Common New Year’s resolutions include being more organized, losing weight, hitting the gym more and saving money. But unfortunately, as mid-February hits, many people tend to give up on their resolutions. But, don’t worry! We’re here to help. Check out these 6 tips for keeping your New Year’s resolutions below!
How to Keep New Year’s Resolutions in 6 Simple Steps
- Make realistic goals: When making your New Year’s resolutions, it is important to make sure they are realistic. Setting unrealistic goals can lead you to becoming frustrated by the difficulty or lack of progress and may lead you to quitting early.
- Tell friends and family members: One of the best ways to set yourself up for success is to tell your friends and family members about your goals. Having people in your life to support and back up your goals can help drive you to reach them.
- Set yourself up for success: If your goal is to be more organized in the New Year, purchase a planner for your personal life or organization containers for your home. Investing in your goals and purchasing tools that will help can drive you to success.
- Track your progress: Tracking your progress can go a long way to help you to stay motivated. If your goal is to lose weight, weigh yourself on the first day of every month and track your weight in a journal.
- Reward your progress: Giving yourself incentives to reach your goals can help keep you motivated. The key to rewarding yourself is to do it without ruining your progress. For example, if your goal is to make it to the gym 5 days a week, on the last day of the month reward yourself with a massage.
- Keep pushing: Over the course of the year, you may fall off the New Year’s resolution train. This is normal. If you find yourself lacking motivation, tell yourself to stick to your goal for the next 24 hours. Overtime, these 24-hour increments will add up and help your progress.
Organize Your Home this Year with a Storage Unit Rental!
Are you looking to get more organized in 2019? We can help! A storage unit rental can help you to store your holiday decorations, out-of-season clothing and other items you no longer need in a secure location outside of your home. Tri-Village Self Storage has storage facilities all throughout the Columbus, OH area, in downtown Columbus, Dublin, OH, Grandview Heights, OH and Polaris, OH. For full household storage, consider a 10×10 storage unit rental. If you’re only looking to store a few larger items or boxes, consider a 5×5 or 5×10 storage unit.
Reserve a storage unit with Tri-Village Self Storage today!