Halloween Storage Tips: How to Store Halloween Costumes
Posted on: October 29, 2018 |
Halloween is the season for dressing up in costumes and decorating the outside of your home with spiders, ghosts, pumpkins and more. But, once the holiday is over, what do you do with all of your Halloween costumes? If stored correctly, pieces and parts of Halloween costumes can be used again.
Before you can store your Halloween costume, it is necessary to properly clean it. When it comes to cleaning Halloween costumes, it is important to clean them as soon as you’re doing wearing it. Any stains your costumes may have suffered from will become more and more set in the longer you wait. Find tips for cleaning and storing your Halloween costumes below!
How to Clean Halloween Costumes
Whether you should hand wash or machine wash your costume is going to depend on what the costume is made of and what it has on it.
When Should I Hand Wash a Costume?
If the Halloween costume has beads, tulle, sequins or other fragile decorations, it is important to hand wash the costume. When hand washing the costume, turn it inside out. Fill your sink up with cold water and add a small amount of fabric softener and detergent. Kneed the costume for a few minutes until the material looks clean, then rinse it with cold water. Let the costume hang dry.
When Should I Machine Wash a Costume?
If the costume is made of nylon, acrylic or polyester, use a washing machine to wash the fabric. Just like when hand washing the fabric, allow it to hang dry.
How to Store a Latex Mask
Before storing a latex mask, it is important to thoroughly dry the inside. Use a cloth to wipe down any moisture that may be present from wearing the costume. Afterwards, brush a thin layer of cornstarch on the inside of the mask to absorb any leftover moisture. If the mask has hair, use a brush to comb through the hair. When storing the mask, stuff plastic bags inside to help the mask keep its form.
Store Your Halloween Decorations and Costumes with Tri-Village Self Storage
The location you choose to store your Halloween costume is going to directly impact the quality of your costume. Your costume should never be stored in a location that is exposed to moisture or sunlight. Unfortunately, this means that a garage, basement or with direct sunlight is not a good storage location. If you do not have a location in your home that is safe for storing Halloween decorations, consider a storage unit.
Tri-Village Self Storage has climate controlled storage facilities in downtown Columbus, OH, Grandview Heights, OH, Plain City, OH and Dublin, OH! Reserve a 5×5 or 5×10 storage unit for Halloween storage today!